Good Night Kiss
Good Night Kiss Music (BMI) holds contests every year. Contest
This contest awards a free day of recording in a Los Angeles studio to the winner (transportation not included).
Great American Song Contest
Songwriters Resource Network sponsors this annual songwriting contest for songwriters and song lyricists everywhere.
Jim Beam Music Contests
Jim Beam awards thousands of dollars each year to unsigned artists. You could be one of them!
John Lennon Songwriting Contest
Just Plain Folks Music Awards
An annual contest in over 50 categories from jazz to metal. Winners receive industry exposure both online and at live performance showcases around the world. Just Plain Folks is an excellent community and musicians resource.
International Songwriting Contest
The entry fee is a little stiff, but the judges are certified industry heavy-weights, including many major label Vice Presidents of A&R.
Mane Mission Songwriters Competition
By entering the contest, they will be helping a great cause, and they will also have a chance to win $10,000 in prizes such as a new vehicle and studio time.
Mane Mission, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization devoted to helping adult retarded citizens, is hosting this songwriting competition, and all proceeds go to the Mane Mission scholarship fund. The beautiful part about this competition is it benefits both mentally disabled citizens as well as songwriters across the world who have not had a chance to be heard. Each applicant will pay a fee to enter his or her song and established music industry professionals will judge the songs.
100% of the proceeds from the competition go to the betterment of the lives of persons with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. From sponsoring recreational camp activities to vocational training to placement in group homes, a Mane Mission scholarship makes a difference in the lives of adult retarded citizens and their families. With your help Mane Mission can make a difference in many deserving peoples lives.
NSAI Song Contest
The Nashville Songwriters Association International offers television and radio exposure to the winner of this annual contest, as well as a free professionally produced demo package.
Nashville Song Search
A Nashville-based song contest that accepts entries in numerous categories. Requires $25 entry fee.
Portland Songwriters Association Annual Song Contest
A national song contest with various categories. $10 entry fee for members. Prizes include $100 for each category and $100 for overall winner.
Songs Inspired By Literature Contest
SIBL sponsors this annual contest. Prizes include $2,500 and inclusion on a compliation CD. Entry fee of $20 required.
StarPolish and Yahoo! Unsigned Band Contest
Winner receives all-expense paid trip to New York City to accept Best Unsigned Band award at Yahoo Internet Life Online Music Awards and a CD duplication deal valued at $10,000.
Tampa Bay Young Artist Competition
Young, classical musicians in the Florida area may enter this annual contest sponsored by the Tampa Bay Symphony Orchestra.
UNISONG International Song Contest
The next winner of this annual contest will receive an all-expense paid trip to perfom in Jamiaca - and work with some of the biggest names in the business.
USA Songwriting Competition
Windrift Songwriting Competition